Introduction to Coding

I have to be honest, coding is something that I know a little bit about. But when I was babysitting my cousins last summer, Mine Craft had me very stumped. This lesson helped me get an insight into Mine Craft and the world of coding through our kid's eyes. The future is technology and this assignment helped me to realize that we need to have lessons like this that keep our children's minds creative and engaged, but also familiarize them with tools that they will need in the future. When I was growing up every year that I was in school, we would learn a concept, review it the next year, and then build on it. Mine Craft is the same concept but with coding and technology. The other games that we built were great for beginners and to be able to know about for students that are more beginners in the coding world to get them ready for Mine Craft like we did in the assignment. 
